Exit Planning
Exit planning is the preparation for the exit of an owner from his or her company. The process aims to maximize the value of the company in a merger or acquisition transaction. During the process, shareholder value should be maximized while important non-financial objectives that are important to the owner are identified and achieved. The distinction between exit planning and succession planning needs to be clarified. Succession planning is a sub-component of exit planning and concentrates on the hiring, training, and retention of key employees within the company. Succession planning is a formal process that ensures that the organization retains it’s leadership and technical capacity into the future. Second Peak helps owners to see their company from the stand point of a potential buyer. Second Peak’s program facilitates strategic action plans that focus on creating value.
Given these premises, exit planning includes activities that analyze and improve cash flow, prepare owners for a life transition, protect assets, minimize tax liabilities, provide for after transaction income, and successfully facilitate the actual transfer of ownership. Exit planning is specialized, covering many disciplines. There is no “one shoe fits all” recipe because every business owner and company is unique. The planning portion of the exit process is important because there are a lot of moving parts. To do it correctly, the process takes time. Success is difficult and often elusive since there will be more sellers than buyers in the future. It is important to start the process as early as possible. It is also important to recognize that many of the components of exit planning are just sound business practices. The process should leave you more knowledgeable and your company more sustainable. Please give us a call to discuss your specific situation.
Turnaround and Cash Management
If your organization needs to return to or improve its profitability or cash flow, our expertise will focus on the processes and practices that need to be rehabilitated so your organization can return to a more stable and profitable state. We do not have a “slash and burn, cut expenses at all cost” approach. We concentrate on the elimination of waste, applying lean techniques so work is completed correctly, to specification the first time. This applies to operations and administrative functions. Give us a call, we can discuss this in greater detail.
Executive Coaching
Second Peak works with executives to aid them in performing their jobs more effectively or aid in the personal management of their projects. The professionals at Second Peak become the executive’s sounding board, offering diverse and unbiased options for their consideration.
Executive coaching engagements include a plan to strengthen the individual, so they are better prepared to help the organization to meet and exceed its goals and responsibilities. These engagements are focused on personal development and mentoring.
Please note: Second Peak does not get involved in personal or mental health related issues
Education and Training
Second Peak believes that the ability of an organization to grow is directly correlated to its combined intellect. Edith Penrose’s, “Theory of the Growth of the Firm” is a foundation of how our program develops strategic thinkers. If you want your organization to get smarter and make better decisions. Please give us a call at (724) 328–3276 to discuss your specific situation.

Business Owners
Passing On A Family Business? Transitioning a business to the next generation is difficult if that generation is not prepared. Let us help.

Professional Services
Working With Professional Advisors? Our process involves a team approach which includes a group of professionals with specialized skills.